The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gardens Don't Like Storms

We had two waves of very bad storms on June 30--Fernando's 50th birthday, too.  Waves of wind, hail, and rain pummeled our area, blowing patio furniture around (but not Fernando's grill this time!), knocking tree limbs down, and other damage.  There were six confirmed tornadoes in the area, mostly small, one of which was about five miles away.  Here's what our back yard patio area looked like the next morning:

At first glance, the garden looked like it survived:

Then I stepped inside and walked around.  The basil was flattened:

So was the parsley:

On several tomato plants, limbs had either broken off or fallen over.  It's easy to tell, after a storm, what branches didn't get anchored with garden/vegetable tape.  I spent a bit of time securing the stray branches to their stakes with garden tape.

On to the repairs.  For the basil, I found some wooden stakes on my garden shelf in the garage; I drove one into the ground next to each basil plant, then used the garden tape to secure the plants to the stakes.

 That was it for the storm repairs.  I'm thankful the damage wasn't more severe!  Once again, here's my garden overview, with my shadow included on this morning shot:

Back to life,

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