The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Every Morning, Part Five

Read previous segments here:

The Beginning
The Injury
The Furnace
The Waiting

In the midst of my August vacation posts (for which I'm including the dates, since I'm woefully behind), I have an update...

The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23 NASB

You can start at the beginning, if you want to read about our journey of faithfulness--that would be His faithfulness.  :)

Summer canning--tomato preserves.

My last post, way back in July, dealt with the possibility of Fernando starting his own business, repairing the equipment he once installed, trained others on, and repaired.  However, Travelers (the workers comp insurance company from his former employer) continues balking at paying everything they owe for our medical bills, even today, even after a few court dates.  So, we didn't have any funds for Fernando to start his entrepreneurial adventure.  It seemed the Lord had closed that door tightly.

And here we were, in August, then September, out of income and frustrated.  His contract work with a satellite truck company was spotty at best, and we were left perplexed and confused.  We knew the Lord was in control, and that He knew what was in store for us.  But for us, each step was into a dark place, an unknown.  Fernando was reluctant to start calling former clients, knowing that that decision would likely mean us leaving our home here for work elsewhere, and leaving some of the guys behind.

Evening sky in late August.

Finally, one night in early October, we knew it was time.  We were at the place of surrender, complete and utter "Do what You want, Lord."  It was time to see how He would open doors, see where He would send us, and see how everything would work for His glory.  This place is an incredible place to be.  And it is a terrifying one.

Fernando started making phone calls.  I thought it was humorous that he would retreat to one of the house's man caves to make his phone calls.  The garage is not very comfortable!  But he ensconced himself at his workbench, a stack of names and phone numbers at his fingertips and his mobile phone in his hand.  He would stay out there for an hour or so, then come in to tell me the latest--whom he talked to, the prospects (if any), where he needed to send a resume, the nature of the potential job.  It was in the garage that one of those calls yielded a spark.

September harvest in my garden.

Fernando's contact--we'll call him Brian--at PSSI was interested in a conversation.  He asked Fernando what he had been doing, and when Brian found out he had been working in the SAT truck industry the past several months, he told Fernando, "That is interesting, because we recently had a SAT truck operator resign."  A pause.  "Actually, he resigned just this morning."

Interesting.  We don't believe in coincidences, but neither do we believe that every little thing is a sign.

We knew this company maintained locations in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.  Moving.  Getting three guys settled back here.  Selling a house.  It would all come.  But we had surrendered.

Brian asked Fernando where he was living--still in the Chicago area?  At his affirmative reply, Brian then told him that that was a good thing, because the SAT truck in question services the Midwest.  As in--we would be able to stay.  Right.  Here.


Since that call a few weeks ago, we've been thrown into a whirlwind!  Email exchanges, resumes, phone calls...  As of today, PSSI has hired Fernando as a contractor for one month, to test him out, and to allow him to test out a new potential career with their company.  At the end of this period, there will be discussion regarding permanent employment.

And that's where we are today.  Home remains here through Thanksgiving or thereabouts.  Then we'll see what the Lord does.

And just in case you're still reading this at the end:  Just because the Lord is keeping us here doesn't mean that this scenario always happens--surrender to Him, and He'll arrange everything the way you want it to be.  No--we're here because He wants us here.  And we'll leave if He wants us to leave.

And it is a marvelous thing.  :)

This post continues our journey.

Back to life,

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