The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Playhouse for Children

August 8.

After our two-hour boat tour on the St. Lawrence River, we reached our destination:  Heart Island.  In 1900, George Boldt began this labor of love, a castle for his beloved wife Louise.  As the castle neared completion in early 1904, Louise died.  George halted all work on the castle, and never returned to the island.  The buildings fell into disrepair, most were vandalized and many items were stolen.  The Thousand Island Bridge Authority acquired the island and began preserving the property in the 1970s.  Work continues now, and Mom and I had the wonderful chance to visit.

The "castle" you see below is actually the island's power house!

Walking around the perimeter of the island.

Below is the children's playhouse.  I marvel that someone would build such a structure for children on the edge of the island!

Enjoy this little tour of the children's playhouse at Boldt Castle, on Heart Island.

A partially restored fireplace in the first room we entered.

The bowling alley.

What a beautiful structure!  I can't wait to show you the main house.  It's amazing.

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