The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Mid-May Garden, Part One

Goodness, am I that far behind in posting??

Not only am I behind in posting, I was behind in preparing my raised beds this past spring.  And not just preparing--actually planting things!  It seems the busy-ness of life got in the way of literally everything else, and I ended up in "survival mode" for the month of May.

The garden sure looks weedy, huh?  I weeded the actual beds, and pulled some weeds out along the walkways, some of which had been covered with newspaper then grass clippings last year.  Those were easy to weed, but bare to the ground, which meant they'd be muddy on rainy days.  I wasn't looking forward to that, but at least there weren't any prickle plants to deal with.

Below, I caught some stray garlic from the previous year.  Those were dug up and transplanted into this year's garlic bed.

And, below is this year's garlic bed.  Since my garlic seems to like wherever I plant it, it's in the "sun and shade" bed.  The shady part gets some good sun, but gets shaded pretty quickly in the afternoons.  The garlic doesn't seem to mind that so far.

A quick check of my rhubarb plants; maybe I'll be able to harvest a bit this year!

I decided that the easiest way to weed would be to have one of the guys weed-whack the pathways.  So out came our trusty weed-whacker.

Jacob, home for the summer, was happy to oblige, and got to work.

He did a great job, and I was thankful not to have to walk through knee-high grass as I worked my way around the beds.  This was all the work we could handle, but there'd be more in a few days...  (Click here for Part Two.)

Back to life,

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Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)