The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Lake -- The End

Friday and Saturday, July 25-26.

Lazy morning Saturday, lunch, then Fernando was determined to go to Winter Bay one last time.  The five of us took off in the pontoon boat, and even though it was still a little cold, we enjoyed being in the water on our last day.  Being Saturday, Winter Bay was filling up with boats and people, but we managed to get there just in time to get a spot on the shore.

The cool afternoon was spent relaxing inside; I snuck a phone picture of Jake and Allie reading her Kindle together.

The clouds came in and there was way too much cloud cover that night to catch any sort of a sunset, so we packed what we could to get ready for our departure the next day...

Sunday morning, we got everything together and packed pretty quickly, but I had one more ritual I needed to do.  I walked down to the dock to say goodbye to my lake.

It was calm this morning, and I imagined myself grabbing the kayak and paddling along the shore as far as I could go. 

But, it was time to go home, so I took one last picture, said my goodbyes, and headed back up to the car.

Back to life,

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