The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Herbs and Vases

The oregano and sage in my June garden recently looked like this:

They were seriously overgrown, and were taking over my poor parsley plants you probably can't see in the above image.  That was a good thing for a while, since the birds were sharpening their beaks on the parsley, and the oregano and sage hid them for a while so they could get established.  But I really needed to cut them back.  Problem--I don't use a lot of sage and already have some from last year, and I wasn't ready yet to dry another bunch of oregano.  My friend Lori gave me a suggestion--herbs as centerpieces!

Now, I'm not a natural flower arranger.  I got some Mason jars--also Lori's suggestion--and stuffed some sage and oregano in them.  One jar ended up on our fireplace mantel:

And the other jar ended up on our spacious kitchen/breakfast counter:

They're free, and I don't have to store them when I'm done--just throw them away when they wilt.  And I can simply go pick some more.  And they're pretty to boot!  I'll take that any time.  :)

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