The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, October 15, 2010

FFG--A Versatile Breakfast

My dear friend Lori hosts Friday Farm Girls at Heart every week; please click on her button to the left to visit her blog and find out how you can participate!

Since I've posted so many pictures of pancakes, I thought I'd share the recipe with you.  If I haven't made preparations the night before, my boys will thoughtfully mix all the dry ingredients together for me in the morning.  They'll get out the griddle, pancake flipper, and everything else I need to get breakfast on the table.  I love my boys.  :)

Night-before prep is easy with this recipe; just mix all the dry ingredients together, and place measuring cups/spoons out so that in the morning you can pull all the wet ingredients together quickly.  Enjoy!

Whole-Wheat Pancakes

2 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour
1/4 cup cane juice crystals (or granulated sugar)
1 T + 1 t baking powder
1/2 (or so) cups rolled oats
1/4 cup lecithin granules (optional)
1/4 cup ground flax seed (optional)
2 beaten eggs
1 1/2 cups milk (less or more, depending on how thick you like the batter)
2 T oil (I use olive)

Stir together dry ingredients.  Add wet ingredients to dry; mix well (will probably be a little lumpy).  Pour about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake onto a lightly oiled griddle or heavy skillet.  Cook until golden brown on bottom, flipping to cook other side when pancake has a bubbly surface and slightly dry edges.  Serve with pure maple syrup, honey, butter, fruit topping, etc.  You can also add about a cup of chopped fruit to the batter.

I have posted so many pictures of pancakes that I'm not going to post one today!  And I know this has nothing to do with pancakes or even breakfast, but here is a garden photo from just a few days ago.  My September harvest is still going strong even in October; praise the Lord!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. We love pancakes too. I don't fix it as much as I should. I like to make it for supper sometimes.
    I am so glad your garden still producing, mine is too, I know soon will might be getting a frost. DH covers our vegetables so we can prolong our harvest as long as we can.

  2. I'll add that to my ww-flour recipes! I've often added leftover oatmeal to pancake batter, but never just the dry oats. I have had 5grain pancakes at IHOP, and I know I can feel the oats in those, they're yummy. Nathan's a pancake fusspot, though, so don't think he'd go for them. Grrrrr.

    Your garden is amazing!

    Love you,

  3. You still get beans in October!!!! Wow! We pulled our plants up in August.

    We love pancakes, too, and my kids have found a wonderful, healthy gluten-free recipe.

    Annie Kate


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