The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tea Talk--Come and See

Welcome to my home!
Sit and have a cup of tea with me and share a little time of relaxation and encouragement
To join, click on Ruth's button above!

I'm usual, Scottish breakfast tea, in my usual morning tea mug.  :)  Since you've seen it before, here is a picture of this morning's breakfast:  blueberry pancakes with apple-chunk filling, drizzled with syrup.

I'm feeling...tired but hopeful.  My back aches in several spots--consequences of working in my kitchen for three days straight--but I'm hopeful that I can begin to see our life at home as God sees it.

On my mind is...seeing with His eyes.  I get so bogged down in the everyday stuff, that I usually fail to see God's hand in it.  I have been spending more time with Thomas, my baby, and I keep stumbling around trying to understand him.  I'm now praying that I see Thomas' unique and special personality through the eyes of the Lord, who loves Him so much more than I will ever be able to.

The verse I leave you with Psalms. Since I've talked about seeing with God's eyes, I thought I'd share this verse that invites me to come and see!

Come and see the works of God,
Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of men.
Psalm 66:5 nasb (emphasis mine)

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. OK, Christine...can I just come and live at your house and have you make me breakfast every morning??? :-D

    Love you so much!

  2. Lori, you can come for breakfast any time. You know that! I'd feed your boys, too! :)


  3. OH GEE, Christine!!!! You won't believe this...but I ALSO have a "Joseph" and a "Thomas"!!!! (My husband AND son are "Toms"!)
    We are VERY like-minded in names aren't we? ::SMILE::
    I think the way you have described your heart with your son who is 14 is simply BEAUTIFUL.
    And I know that God will indeed GIVE you His eyes with which to see this boy you are raising in His name. Boy, that breakfast of yours really whets the appetite! I look forward to visiting "Captured" daughter Laura has taken up photography a bit. Many of her photos are on our nature blog online. Stop by sometime!

  4. I think we "met" a little while ago! I remember you telling me about the names we have in common. That's so fun!!

    Thank you for your encouraging words!

  5. Thank you Christine for your visit to The Times. I also like the verse "taste and SEE that the Lord is good."

    You did it again with your breakfast pic...made my mouth water.

  6. Hello Christine,

    What a yummy pancake you have for breakfast! Great picture. Made me want more to join you for breakfast :-)

    Seeing people through God's eyes....I need to remind myself again of that. I just read from a book that says "we can never over-estimate the worth of a person".

    I hope you get a lot more rest this weekend.

  7. Hi! I'm hopping over here from Ruth's blog while enjoying my cup of tea--very late.

    Oh, those pancakes look divine and your Scottish tea sounds delightful :)


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)