The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Family Thanksgiving

We need more than just a day for giving thanks to God.  He has given us so much, and blessed us in so many ways, that we have thanked Him over and over these past several months.  After Fernando was laid off, he faced back surgery and a long road to recovery.  Those were just the major issues facing us--there was a host of little snags and detours on our life's road!  But, at least on Thanksgiving Day, those earthly cares melted into the background as we gathered as a family for a day of "group thanks" to our precious Lord.

Here is our day in pictures.

My parents' front door.

Mom always asks Dad to help her get the turkey out of the oven.

My younger brother Jeff helped, too--the turkey was over 19 pounds!!

The Jackson family (minus Matt and Char).

Relaxing after the meal.

Thank You, Lord, for another year of blessing in our family.  Thank You for all that You've given us, both the material things and the unseen things.  Thank You for Your provision in our lives as we've faced so much adversity this year.  Thank You mostly for Your Son, Jesus, by Whom we can come to You as Your children.  I'm so glad I'm Yours.  I love you.

Back to life,

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1 comment:

  1. Your photos are beautiful. Sounds like you had a blessed thanksgiving. Heather


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