The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Morning Storm and Baking Day

June 29 dawned bright and hot; the day after a 105-degree day promised more heat for us.  I edited photos in the basement for a while, but when I came upstairs, I noticed it was really dark outside.

We hung out near/in the basement for awhile, until the storm blew over, and then it was up to the kitchen to begin preparations for Fernando's special day--his birthday was the next day!

We made homemade frozen yogurt, freezing the plain mixture for a few hours:

Then we added toffee bar bits and graham cracker pieces, and stirred everything up.  You'll have to wait a while for the "finished product" images.  :)

Jacob mixed up the pie crust ingredients:

And Danny mixed together the ingredients for the pumpkin pie, which was Fernando's request for dessert.

 The pumpkin pie awaits the oven

 Yum--the finished pie

And, I figured if I was going to make one pie, I was going to make two.  So I pulled out some apple pie filling from the freezer:

 Jacob put together the crumble topping for French apple pie

 The French apple pie awaits the oven

 The finished French apple pie

Double pie--double yum!

After all that work in the kitchen, the guys took a break, and we took them to Friday Frisbee.  I actually didn't take a single picture on Fernando's birthday (gasp!), since I was too busy socializing with the two families we invited over.  :)  Fernando loved all the food we had, and the fellowship we shared.  He had an awesome birthday, and we had a grand time celebrating his special day.

Love you, honey!!

Back to life,

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