The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Another Awesome Game!

Danny had his wisdom teeth removed a week ago last Friday, so he has been taking it easy lately.  Due to "dry socket" horror stories, we're pretty paranoid about wisdom tooth recovery, and it has rubbed off on Danny.  No bouncing, jarring movement for him!

Since he wasn't up to attending church that Sunday, I stayed home with him to keep him company and to minister to him if he needed anything.  Danny is a doer, so he was pretty bored just sitting around.  Watch a movie, read books, yeah, that's all fine, but he needs to do stuff.

He was bored enough on Sunday that he agreed to play Scrabble with me.  Which is really neat on two fronts:  one--that he actually wanted to play a game he's not really good at, and two--he loves me enough to be willing to be potentially creamed in the game.  :)

At one point, he had the following letters on his rack:  Q  U  I  I  I  I  O

At another point, he placed six tiles and picked six more:  T  T  T  I  I  I

What a challenge!  He had the Q tile, but I picked every other high-point tile!  And our scores weren't lopsided, either, which is always nice--and which makes for a potentially high-scoring game.  Which we had!

I didn't make the below shot "pretty" by clearing off the countertop area.  It reflects our everyday living, complete with medication, crumbs, a used butter knife, and green garden twine.  :)

And our score?  See below.  I thought I'd never see an 800 game in my lifetime, and then I had a 900 game in May, and an 800 game in June!!

Below is the cleaned-up version of our countertop, and the game with all those wonderful words.  We learned some new ones (as per the Scrabble dictionary, which sometimes allows words I object to)--braza and dup being the most interesting ones.  Both Danny and I had seven-tile words:  revision (Danny) and dinkiest (me on my first turn).

I love Scrabble!

Back to life,

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