The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, April 29, 2011

Another Day in the Garden

The guys were back in the garden last weekend, before the clouds and rain could move back in.

Fernando told them it was a work day; I think he meant a "cleaning day" for family coming on Resurrection Sunday (see post here) the next day.  Though they did accomplish some inside cleaning, my garden called and we were back outside getting things done.

I put the poles up for my pole beans.  I'm so glad I did this early!  Usually I traipse outside with my trowel and bean seeds, then realize I need to first find the poles and some rope and then get everything in place.  Now everything is ready for bean seeds!

Danny worked on snipping out a section of fence for a cheap alternative to building a trellis--I'm going to try growing snow peas!  They'll be planted the first day it doesn't rain--either Thursday or Friday.  Mmmm...peas on salad.  Oops, I was daydreaming there for a minute.  Sorry.

I also transplanted all the "stray" garlic to the bed with all the other garlic.  It's so nice to see them all growing so early; it seems like I have to wait for everything, but the garlic pops up and it's encouraging to see something growing.

Joseph and Thomas used trowels and hand rakes to work compost and manure into most of the beds, then topped them off with garden-mix soil.

Praise the Lord for work day Saturday!

Back to life,

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  1. Hello Christine,

    It is good to find you again dear friend :)

    I am doing the same thing as you...gardening on raise beds. Here in PA, we grow rocks! So this is the only way to be able to have a good garden without the back breaking work of digging and digging some more.

    I will be back...I have missed your beautiful photography and your words...

    Mrs. M.

  2. Looks wonderful! You are further in some ways than us. But it will all come together soon. I loved seeing all your men working together for us a wonderful project. I pray blessings on your garden.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)