The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Mid-April in My Garden

April 14.

Spring is here!  The time when things start turning green again, and colors start to emerge!!

Daffodils at The Morton Arboretum.

It's also time to get out in the yard and assess the flower and veggie gardens.  I weeded the day lilies first--a fairly easy job so that I could feel accomplished.

Then, it was on to my raised beds.  Here's the mid-April overview:

Things look pretty bare, but that's normal.  There is some green in there, some of which is weeds.  That was the first order of the day.

Getting rid of dandelions.

Below, the garlic bed looks like it'll have some garlic this year.  I'm hoping for a good crop; we're still using the garlic from last year, which should hold out until I can get this year's crop harvested.

The weeding is now done in the center bed, below.

My rhubarb is growing nicely.  I have two plants, one from my mom (a smaller one), and one from my friend Debbie, larger since I've had it a number of years now.  I can't wait to make rhubarb preserves!!

The mulched pathways in my garden need just a little weeding.  The landscape fabric I put down is doing its job, although I'll need some more mulch to cover the bare black spots, which you can see below.  The weeding in the paths is easy, since most of the weeds are surface-rooted because of the landscape fabric.  Some quick pulls and they're all out.  I also found some garlic growing in the pathways!  I guess it'll grow anywhere.

Joseph waiting for me to take a picture before he loads the weeds into the lawn bag.

Here's the overview at the end of our work day:

It doesn't look that much different, but we got a few things done.  The strawberry plants have escaped their bed, so I'll have an interesting time picking them this year!  I can't wait to see how many strawberries I'll get, and what my garden will be filled with this year.  Stay tuned until planting season!

Back to life,

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