The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Tea Talk -- The Advantage of Knowledge

Welcome to my home!
Sit and share a cup of tea with me as we encourage each other in the Lord.
To participate, click on Ruth's button above.

I'm having...a cup of organic hot chocolate from Silly Cow Farms.  It is Chocolate Truffle.  I honestly can't remember where we got the little jar of yummyness!  A gift?  I don't know that we would've bought it for ourselves.  Either way, I've been preparing it for Jacob and Thomas for when they come home from broomball.

Chocolate Truffle hot chocolate with a dusting of mix on top

I'm feeling...a tad bit lethargic this morning, really this whole week.  I can't seem to get motivated to get things done.  I've let certain things--errands, chores, just things--sit for a little too long, and they're piling up.  Having a snow day yesterday didn't help--both Fernando and Jacob were home due to the snow.  Which was nice, really, but always messes with our routine!  But, God planned it, I whisper to myself.  :)

On my mind...I really should title this one My Checklist.  *grin*  Mail off a Photography Proposal, grade Thomas' algebra tests, finish the laundry from yesterday...  The list goes on, but that would be enough for today!

I leave you with...a passage I just read that spoke to my heart in these looming times.  We see the tide of evil growing in this world, especially here in the U.S. with those who would call evil good and good evil.  Just as the blizzard swept across our region of the country these past few days, men's hearts are turning cold toward God, and the land marches on toward judgment.  But God promises hope, and indeed we possess it, when we keep our eyes and hearts focused on Him.  He may yet send revival, and we are to be diligent in service and worship to Him.  This passage offered hope to me this morning.

Do not say, "Why is it that the former days were better than these?
For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.
Wisdom along with an inheritance is good
And an advantage to those who see the sun.
For wisdom is protection just as money is protection,
But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom
preserves the lives of its possessors.
Ecclesiastes 7:10-12 nasb

I pray that I don't look back wistfully to the past, but that I turn my eyes to the Rock of my Hope as I seek His wisdom.  This was a good passage to read today!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
christine anne photography

Greetings from our wintry home!!


  1. Hi Christine! Hoping to join all you ladies in Tea Talk today for the first time. Lovely post.


  2. I like the verse from Ecclesiastes. That hot cocoa looks so good. I wish I had some right now.

  3. Continue to look forward always! I pray that you enjoyed your delicious treat :-)


  4. We share the same feeling, Christine. I do feel lazy and oh, how I let some responsibilities slip between my fingers. I think I have over-burdened myself in the past few weeks. I kept receiving more when my hands were already full. I'm sure I used up all adrenaline that should have kept me going this week :)
    Anyways, your beautiful photos cheered me up! Thanks!


  5. Ohhh yes we must always look forward and upward in each day for there is no other way. I really like your verse.

    Ohhh and your chocolaty treat sounds and looks soooooooooo yummy!

    Blessings and ((HUGS))!

  6. I have lists too, but they just get lost...Is that a good excuse? NOT! Have a grand day! Cathy

  7. Can't wait to see you tonight! I know about the list and feeling tired...I get that way when my list gets either too long or to "fragmented," meaning I'm covering to wide a territory. With the addition of a business to your duties, it adds a HUGE territory of new challenges.



Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)