The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tea Talk -- Those Who Love Your Law

Welcome to my home!
Sit and share a cup of tea with me as we encourage each other in the Lord.
To participate, click on Ruth's button above.

I'm having...a cup of iced tea.  I'm parched!  Yesterday the thermometer on our shaded front porch hit 100 degrees (38 degrees Celsius, Ruth!).  The funny thing is, I always start my day with hot tea.  And yesterday and today, after that, I hit the iced tea!!

Hot tea in my Pfaltzgraff tea cup

I'm feeling...good.  I saw my chiropractor a few days ago, and the adjustment seemed to help that little ache in my back.  Though it's imperceptible, I'm trying to be careful how I sit, etc.

On my the thought of continuing to compile my online photo gallery of things we're selling.  We have been deep-cleaning our basement, which has been a huge project--almost overwhelming, actually.  I also have four large boxes of items to give to Goodwill, and Fernando wants me to document them (photos and a list) so that we can donate them.  And one more item--all of the HO-scale train items in our basement have to go,  We have an interested buyer, but (it's a good "but") he wants to see pictures of every item before he makes the hour-long trip to our house to see everything in person.  I'm supposed to have that done by the weekend...  At least it's super-hot outside and inside work keeps me cool.

I leave you with...a well-known and beloved verse I read this morning in Psalms.  I love reading Psalms and Proverbs; there is always something there that brings comfort, peace, understanding, or whatever my heart needs in that moment.  Yesterday, Fernando's company laid off more employees--one Christian man in his department was affected, and Fernando is in a bit of shock.  Our future is uncertain--but then again, it is not!  We will wait to see what the Lord has us do, where He sends us, or how He keeps us here.  We have peace.

Those who love Your law have great peace,
And nothing causes them to stumble.
Psalm 119:165 NASB

Sunrise in Vero Beach, Florida

Back to life,

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  1. Hi Christine. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling good despite the heat. Iced tea sounds good for you.
    We seemed to be contemplating on the same theme this week. Also, dh and I are thinking of downsizing again. We need to let go of a lot of stuff in the house.
    Loved the verse you shared here. His peace is such a precious gift that the world cannot give.

    BTW, did you get the email I sent you?


  2. Oh, how I love that last photo, dearest! I am in the "overwhelmed" stage of contemplating the gathering and selling of so much. So glad you are having success with it! Please keep Bryan in your prayers, he's back out at the farm today as he has been all week.

    Much love,

  3. Hello Christine~ Stuff in general can be overwhelming. I remember when we moved from our giant house to this tiny apartment. I was so sad to get rid of all my stuff. But now that it has been a few years, I would NEVER go back. I like having very few things. This is a great post I just read that might interest you while you clean your basement.

    That verse seems very different in KJV. "Great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them."

    Hope you have a wonderful day. Always enjoy having tea with you.


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)