The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tea Talk -- Go to the Ant

Welcome to my home for Ruth's Tea Talk!
Sit and share a cup of tea with me as we encourage each other in the Lord.
To participate, click on Ruth's button above.

I'm having...a cup of Irish breakfast tea this morning, and a goblet of nice, cold iced tea later on in the heat of the day.  I promise to take pictures for next week.  This photo below will have to do for today.

The last of my Hawaiian honey (a gift from my dear friend Tressey)

I'm feeling...exactly the same as last week.

On my my continuing project to clean our basement.  I've gotten so much done, and it feels so good to de-clutter and simplify.  I feel like I can breathe a little more easily now.  There is still much to do, but our hard work has paid off.  My basement "smiles" at me now when I go down there to work on the computer, or watch a movie for family movie night.  It says to me, "Welcome, Christine!  Come in!  Have a seat and relax..."  That's what I picture in my mind, anyway.

I leave you with...a verse about an amazing creature the Lord created.  I feel a little like this creature this summer, busy about the work of the Lord.

Go to the ant, O sluggard,
Observe her ways and be wise,
Which having no chief,
Officer or ruler,
Prepares her food in the summer
And gathers her provision in the harvest.
Proverbs 6:6-8 NASB

Ants on thistle

Back to life,

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  1. We learn much from this ant:)
    So happy for you that you have accomplished so much in your cleaning endeavors!

  2. Ohhh you and Lori are spurring me on to tackle my de-cluttering. I have lots to get done before family shows up for my MIL's wedding at the end of August. I better get cracking. But first I got to fuel my body.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  3. What a good verse! Harvest time is a-coming, is it not? Your basement transformation is remarkable...enjoy it!


  4. Love that scripture and such an awesome picture with the ant!

    Thanks for sharing your tea time!

  5. What an amazing macro work with your camera,Christine, and what a humbling lesson to learn from an ant. This inspires me to be more productive today and to do some decluttering too.



Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)