The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tea Talk -- Some Thro' the Waters

Welcome to my home!
Sit and share a cup of tea with me as we encourage each other in the Lord.
To participate, click on Ruth's button above.

I've been absent from Tea Talk for a few weeks, but am getting back in to the groove of things!  I've already posted some vacation photos from Vero Beach, Florida, and have a few more posts to get typed up.  But I'm taking a tea break today for my little "Tea Bible Study," as I like to call it.  Thanks, Ruth, for giving me this special little time that I personally treasure each week.  :)

I'm having...a cup of organic Earl Grey in my Gibson china cup.  This tea is the best Earl Grey I've ever tasted.  :)

I'm feeling...full from eating and eating all last week.  Our beach cottage wasn't a cruise ship, but I think we all agreed that it certainly felt like it--cruise-ship-delicious food prepared by wonderful ladies (and young ladies) all week long.  Yum.  Time to go on a diet.  *adjusts skirt waist*

On my Part A--it's Thomas' 15th birthday today!  My littlest guy is growing up way too quickly.  Time is running out, but the Lord is giving us special time over the next few years.  I love the complexity and uniqueness that is Thomas.

Thomas boogie-boarding in Vero Beach, Florida last week!

And Part B--the next thing:  the 2011 ICHE state homeschool convention, beginning with the speakers banquet next Wednesday evening.  Then it's work, work, work through Saturday early evening--no breaks, fall into bed and crash until the alarm goes off at 5:30 a.m. for the next day of convention.  Whew; I'm tired just typing that!  I have one main speaker, two other speakers doing special workshops, and two panels to sit in on--one parent panel ("Homeschooling 101 for Special Needs") and one to sit in on with two of my sons who are speaking ("Siblings of Special Needs").  I also have two workshop time slots, each with two speakers!  Can't be two places at the same time, so I'm lining up my volunteers, starting with my guys.  Lots to get in order, but that's the fun part.

I leave you with...a hymn I stumbled across last night as I glanced through our hymnal.  I've been amazed (once again) at the provision of our mighty God.  The lyrics below say it all.  :)

God Leads Us Along

In shady, green pastures, so rich and so sweet, God leads His dear children along;
Where the water's cool flow bathes the weary one's feet, God leads His dear children along.

Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright, God leads His dear children along;
Sometimes in the valley, in darkest of night, God leads His dear children along.

Though sorrows befall us and Satan oppose, God leads His dear children along;
Through grace we can conquer, defeat all our foes, God leads His dear children along.

Some thro' the waters, some thro' the flood, Some thro' the fire, but all thro' the blood;
Some thro' great sorrow, but God gives a song, In the night season and all the day long.

Sunset along Vero Beach, Florida

Back to life,

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  1. Happy Birthday to your Thomas. We had a 16 year old Thomas birthday Saturday. I thank God every day for the 6 fine children He gave us and the 10 wonderful grands. They just grown up too fast. Blessings to you and thanks for stopping by dear sista.

  2. Hello~ Happy birthday to your boy (man). You sound like a very organized person to be able to get so much done. I love earl grey tea and the hymn you shared was SUCH a blessing. Thank you.

  3. Gorgeous photos! Happy Belated Birthday to your son!

    Your beach trip sounds lovely. Thanks for sharing your tea time :)

  4. Hello Christine! I'm so glad to have you back @ Tea Talk. Sorry, I'm very late in my visit rounds, and i thought I was the busiest till I read what you're up to this coming days. It's good that you just had your wonderful vacation. What a lovely place or rest and fun it must be. My husband and I have been praying for one big vacation like that.

    Happy belated birthday to Thomas. God bless your beautiful young man. That's an awesome and dynamic photo of him.

    Again, thank you for another beautiful post for Tea Talk. I'm glad you're back.



Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)