The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sow, Reap, Break Up, Seek

Our back yard has things in it that I'd rather it not have in it.  Rabbits, for instance.  Yeah, okay, they're cute and all, but really--they're rodents.  They eat the tender, young vegetables in my garden.  Because of the damage these "cute" critters wreak, we have constructed a chicken-wire fence around our garden space.  Problem solved.  We still need to be diligent in checking the fence to make sure there are no gaps, since those rabbits know that if they can sneak under, there is a good reward waiting for them on the other side.  Our fence keeps them out, and our plants have a chance to grow without hindrance and produce good veggies.

One thing the fence doesn't keep out is dandelions.  Our back yard resembles a sea of yellow, with some white fluffy blobs here and there.  Although the flowers are "pretty"--they really do make good subjects for my macro lens!!--they are pesky weeds and crowd out the grass.  And after a while, they look plain ugly.

We have to be careful in getting rid of these prolific weeds.  Care has to be taken not to get "weed and feed" or other chemicals near our vegetable garden.  Fernando is always diligent to keep away from the garden area when he is doing battle with these pesky plants.  We try to hand-pick the weeds near the garden, so that everything stays nice and the garden is kept chemical-free and healthy.

Baby mesclun mix for yummy salad

Diligence in our back yard produces a beautiful lawn where we can run and play.  And of course, diligence in our garden produces healthy veggies for keeping bodies healthy and strong!

I also need to be diligent with my relationship with the Lord, making sure my heart is open before Him, guarding against "weeds" and "rodents" that can creep in and destroy my spiritual health.  I like gardening season; when I weed my garden, I'm reminded to also weed my spiritual garden.

Sow with a view to righteousness,
Reap in accordance with kindness;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the LORD
Until He comes to rain righteousness on you.
Hosea 10:12 NASB

Back to life,

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  1. Hi Christine,

    You're right. Rabbits are cute but a huge nuisance. One time I caught a rabbit eating my petunias I planted. I scared him off, but then a few days later he must have brought friends because all of my petunias in all of my pots were devoured. I was so upset.

    Anyway, love the photo of the rabbit and your macro shots. Can't wait to buy a macro lens for myself. For now, my macro filters will have to do.


  2. I really enjoyed and can relate to your post.

    Praying blessings and ((HUGS)) on you and your garden.



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