The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Saturday, December 11, 2010

WWU -- Contented Celebration


Thank you, Mary, for hosting Weekly Wrap-Up!
It's time to reflect back on my week, to store up memories in my heart,
and to acknowledge the Lord's ways in my life.
To participate with us, please click on Mary's button above.

Saturday, 11:24am--starting this post.  (I want to see how long it takes me to get this posted!)

Home Life

As I listen to Jacob's less-frequent cough, I thank the Lord for health.  No one else has caught his cold, which is a good thing since next week is finals week for Jacob and Danny.  Will I ever be especially glad when Danny walks through the door after completing his Rhetoric final.  He agonized his way through the class, and obsessed about every essay paper assigned.  But he's pulling an A so far, and as long as he gets his outline prepared for the final exam, he should be fine.  (The students are allowed to bring an outline for the in-class essay final.)

Jacob is an excellent student, and rarely asks for my help--except for commenting and making suggestions on his papers, proofreading them, and typing them for him (he can't stand typing!).  He offered me Trader Joe's dark chocolate peanut butter cups to type his final Psychology essay.  That was a no-brainer "yes" for me!!

Joseph likes to read through his brothers' papers, too!

Christmas decorations are all up, or at least the ones I'm willing to put up!  If you step into my home, you'll be greeted by a cheery Christmas-y foyer, and you'll see the tree--with my grandmother's manger set nestled at its base--in our front living room.  If you step beyond the hallway, however, the rest of the house is as it appears each and every day.  I just don't have storage space for lots of decorations, and I'm also way too practical to have lots of decorations!

It has been a peaceful season, since we aren't shopping for gifts this year.  We, along with our extended family (a small crowd at 11 people), decided to celebrate Christmas differently this year.  There is no hustle and bustle, and so far our outside activities have been minimal.  It's very nice.  :)

My Kitchen

I've been enjoying cooking a bit more, because it warms the kitchen and I can fend off feeling cold for a little bit.  (I'm almost always cold all winter long.)  I have a Nutri-Mill recipe for whole-wheat peanut butter cookies in my plans for the next few days.  That might be the only cookie recipe I prepare this month!  We'll see how it goes.

We've been blessed with some fresh vegetables and fruits, and a few other food items, over the last few weeks.  We have used them to create and enhance some delicious meals, and we are still in the mode of giving thanks for what the Lord has provided.  God is good.  He has blessed us beyond measure, and we need to remember Him in this abundance.

Enchiladas for dinner

I turned my portion into Enchilada Salad!

Though my vegetable garden is "closed," I still have a few little purple onions in the fridge, and I slice them up for salads and things.  Though they are little, they are strong!  Plus we continue to enjoy the various salsas, jalapeƱos, tomatoes, and apple products that I've canned this year.

My Project Desk

I actually altered a blouse this week!  I have hooks/eyes to sew on between the front buttons, but I have taken in the sides.  I found this blouse at a resale shop some friends took me to a few months ago, and it was brand-new with the tags still on!  It is a very tailored, very well-made blouse, and I hope to wear it for a long time.  Photos soon...

Behind the Lens

I have been busy getting my ducks in a row with Christine Anne Photography.  I now have a business checking account, and have filed my business name with the county.  Once I hear back from them, I have to publish a notice in the local newspaper for three weeks, then make sure the newspaper files (I can't remember what document) with the county.  Then I'm official!  It seems like a long process for this little business.

I try to take pictures of something every day, but life happens, and my business is not my life.  It really is a hobby, and a passion, and I don't want to lose the heart of my love of capturing people and things on film.  I do have some upcoming business opportunities, about which I'm excited and nervous all rolled into one!  I'll tell you about it soon.  For now, enjoy this photo of a cinnamon-oat muffin to which I added blueberries.

Heart Thoughts

Since we're wrapped up in the Christmas season (hey, that's a nice pun!), I thank the Lord for His peace and His perspective during this time when our culture has mega-commercialized the greatest event in history and in our faith.  But we are to enjoy this season of reflection, waiting, and celebration, no matter our circumstances.  We are to be content in the current situation in which we have been placed.  For truly the Lord has led us here--or has allowed us to walk here--and we need to remember to celebrate with joy and contentment.

...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
I know how to get along with humble means,
and I also know how to live in prosperity;
in any and every circumstance I have learned
the secret of being filled and going hungry,
both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:11b-13 nasb

I frequently quote "I can do all things..." when I am faced with a challenge, but it is interesting that in context, it is linked to contentedness.  Contentedness is the secret to the knowledge that I can indeed do all things through Him who strengthens me.

End Note:  It's only 12:26pm!!  I thought I'd be working on this post over a couple of days--thank You, Lord!!  :D

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. My, my, Christine, there is much going on at your home! Thanks for taking a moment to drop by my blog. I am praying that everything runs smoothly for you as you finalize your business venture, and for your sons and their exams. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Oh my goodness, how wonderful that your son is getting better. Here in the cottage, I am still quite sick with the flu and with everything else

    I like your description of your week...especially the blouse that you are re-designing. :)

    Thank you for sharing dear friend,


  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such an encouraging comment about teens. Your food photos here have left me quite hungry! *grins* We are celebrating differently too. And the less stress is really a blessing. We also have a small extended family, with my kids being the only grandkids on both sides. May God richly bless you this week.

  4. Thank you sooooooo much for noticing and sharing how we are to be content and then in all things we can do it through our Lord...Amen. I needed to hear that. Thank you for letting the Lord speak through you. I pray blessings on your business! May it be a blessing to you and your family.

    Ohhh how I would love to have some enchiladas ! My mom use to make some killer ones. I am going to have to ask her if we can make some together the next time I see her. *grin*

    And hee he on your ds' bribery of getting you to type up his paper. I am a sucker for chocolate too. *grin*

    Blessings and ((HUGS))
    In Him<><

  5. Hi Sweet Friend! I'm so sorry I've been away/incommunicado...just very tied up with helping my parents this week. (details in my WWU)

    As always, I love reading about your week...I miss you guys! Glad Jake's getting better, and we prayed for him and Danny today, for their final exams. Bryan has 2 tomorrow, 1 Tuesday, 2 Wednesday and 1 Thursday. Then he hits homeschool high school like he's NEVER hit it before to finish up by 12/31!!!

    Your enchiladas look scrumptious! (sp?) Looking forward to staying in touch with your posts to see what you've got cooking for your photography business!

    Much love,


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)