The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, December 10, 2010

FFG -- My Farm Girl Day


My dear friend Lori hosts Friday Farm Girls at Heart every week;
please click on her button to visit her blog
and to find out how you can participate!

I'm so tired this morning.  And actually, I can't even say it's morning any more; It's 12:17pm as I start to type this post!  I was up several times in the night with an upset stomach, though I'm feeling mostly better.  I have a pot of homemade chicken soup on the stove warming right this very minute.

Cross It Off the List!  My Farm Girl heart is happy to be back home after a morning of running errands--which is a great Farm Girl thing to do!  The most important errand ended up being the easiest--getting Joseph's handicapped state ID card.  Usually, our driver services facility is crowded and agonizingly slow--I completed two New York Times Sunday crosswords while I waited one time I was there.  But today, Joseph and I walked in, showed our paperwork, and were able to walk right up to a representative at the counter!  And she was so nice--sometimes they're not.  :)

There was no charge for the ID, since it's for a handicapped person, so we went right to the picture-taking area, and the guy behind the counter there was very nice!  He told us that Joseph would be able to ride public transportation for free (not that he would ever need to do that, but still...), and get into museums and such for free or at reduced prices.  The man was so friendly, it just made my day.

Afternoon of rest.  After completing the rest of the errands, I'm home, and happy to be here.  My tummy is getting a little upset again, so I might grab some blouses to alter and curl up on the couch.  It's so bright and sunny after the snowfall last night, and perfect curling-up weather.  I'm getting the boys to do laundry this afternoon.  :)

Fun with Friends.  Tonight, we'll be going out to Lori's for Game Night.  My Farm Girl heart loves the fellowship of other believers!

Well, since I started this post, I've been interrupted by hubby coming home for lunch--a good interruption--and lunchtime.  Now it's back to the "Farm Girl Day" plan!

I hope you're enjoying a perfect Farm Girl Day today!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. Yes, actually I am trying to get better from this cold :(

    So glad that you are feeling better.


  2. I hope you have a restful weekend, Christine. I pray for your speedy recovery from stomach problem.
    It's good to have boys in the house who could do laundry. You trained them well.


  3. Hi sweetie! I didn't know you were sorry to hear that! There is a bad stomach bug going around, we are praying Nathan doesn't get it (stomach bugs are REALLY bad for him, they can land us in the ER). I didn't get home til after 7pm, and I am sorry to cancel game night, but it was for the best, in the end. 10pm now, and I'm going to bed, need to get my mom tomorrow morning and head back to MJ for the day with dad. We'll have to watch the weather, looks like we could get hit with a big one tomorrow night and Sunday, hmmmm? I wouldn't mind staying home Sunday and just doing house-church by the fire, to be honest. If we're not there, that'll be why, LOL!

    Love you,

  4. What a wonderfully cozy post. Your day sounds like a success. I love the sound of chicken soup and curling up on the couch. Ohhh and fellowship with such a SSiC ( Sweet Sister in Christ) sounds perfect ! You are soooooooo blessed. Wished I lived closer.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))
    In Him<><


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)