The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, December 31, 2010

FFG -- Take Refuge


My amazing friend Lori hosts Friday Farm Girls @ Heart every week;
please click on her button to visit her blog
and to find out how you can participate!

My farm girl's heart just aches--along with my back!--this week because I am not able to do all the things I need and want to do.  When I think of this meme each week, I desire to share something I've done, or made, or baked, or accomplished during the week.  But this week, besides some laundry and a few meals, I have not been a woman of accomplishment.

I confess, when I'm healthy I can sit at the computer for hours, and I'm really good at procrastinating; however, I am essentially a doer.  My husband tells me, "Sit and relax with me."  And if we're not engaged in conversation, my mind is making lists--what's for dinner tomorrow night, I need to put garlic powder on the grocery list, do I have the money for the food co-op on Sunday...  My organizer/planner has space along the right-hand side for sticky-note grocery lists and to-do lists.  Sometimes I even add extra sticky notes on dates gone by so that I have room to write my notes!

Many of you have been praying for healing for me, and I humbly and gratefully thank you!  But for right now, the Lord has a better plan for me.  My Bible studies throughout this week have focused on healing, resting in His love, and acknowledging Him in my circumstances.  I continue to keep my focus in those places.  He is my refuge.

But let all who take refuge in You be glad,
Let them ever sing for joy;
And may You shelter them,
That those who love Your name may exult in You.
Psalm 5:11 nasb

How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!
And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.
Psalm 36:7 nasb

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. Alas, all that beautiful snow is melted away today... :-(

    I am praying for healing, dearest. This has been a long one for you! My back is a little sore today. It started yesterday afternoon, not sure why. But it's not getting worse, so I'm glad of that! I'm just trying to be careful. See you tomorrow...when you get here you can pick your comfy chair and just stay in it!

  2. And now He is keeping you still! For His purpose. Hard to accept since we are in pain while waiting. But rest in Him dear friend.

    Praying for healing dear one.


  3. Praying healing for you. God is so good. The photo is just beautiful. We still have a touch on the ground.
    But those who hope in the LORD
    will renew their strength.
    They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.
    Isaiah 40:31

  4. Oh Christine,I do hope you get to feel better, I mean totally better.
    These are gorgeous shots. We haven't had ice yet.
    Thank you so much for the very kind comment you left me about my photography, you are so sweet. I think your photography is amazing!!!!I am hoping to visit your photography blog soon, I am hoping that life will slow down a bit this winter. I don't know how I kept blog life going last year, I am hoping I can do better overall this coming year.


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)