The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, March 3, 2016

A Driver's Life for Me

With one huge drive--ten hours--under my belt from the previous week, I felt ready to tackle this next one--a mere seven hours or so.  Should be easier, huh?

We headed east this trip, through Indiana and on to Akron, Ohio.

It had snowed the day before, and the high winds created some dramatic snow effects along the highway.

At our hotel on Thursday night, we settled in for a good night's sleep.  I'm naturally an early riser, which is also a good thing because my body tends to want rest in the afternoon; it's a low cycle in my day when I usually have a cup of tea (iced in the summer) and engage in a low-energy activity.  On this new job, it helps that I can sleep in the afternoon so I'm awake for the nighttime driving. 

We were expecting a warm-up over the next few days, even in Akron, but we awoke to this scene out our hotel window:

Snow.  Plus, Fernando keeps the room cold.  I don't think my toes warmed up the entire night.  Since Fernando slept in, I went down to the hotel's breakfast area and served myself some oatmeal.  One of the hotel workers encouraged me to make up a plate for Fernando, and she even gave me a tray for carrying it all up.  Hotels definitely vie for our business, and I think we'll be staying at Fairfield Inn more often.

Back in our room, I read my Bible for a bit, and relaxed until Fernando got up.  I made him happy with the food I brought up for him!  I love being useful, even more than people realize.

Fernando had a quiet time before heading out to the job site.

Then, I was alone.  This is the life of a driver.  It's not glamorous, or exciting.  It's not all spending time with Fernando, watching him do his electronic thing in the back of Arctek Purple (I call her Penelope, by the way--for this vehicle must have a name!).  This life is driving, and riding, snoozing and driving again, eating out as healthy as I can, sleeping in hotel rooms, saying goodbye to Fernando, spending time alone in said hotel rooms, sleeping some more, and driving at night.  It's not easy.  But it is good.

Bed, slept in the night before and my resting spot for the afternoon.

I didn't go to bed right away, so I broke open Volume One of the complete novels of Jane Austen.  It was time to rediscover Pride & Prejudice, at least until sleepy time hit and I could catch some z's.

The seven-hour-plus night drive from Akron, OH to Evansville, IN was tougher than the all-nighter from Tulsa, OK to Muncie, IN.  I was surprised by how tired I was this time around.  But I made it through, never tired enough to have to pull over other than for fuel (diesel, diesel, diesel!!).

Checking in to a hotel at 4:00am is interesting.  I got settled in for the "night," Fernando hung around for a while, then headed out to the job site.  I was alone again, to sleep until my body felt refreshed--which was about four hours.  Instant oatmeal packets come in handy when one misses the hotel breakfast time!  I would be out of my room by noon, to catch a taxi to the job site since Fernando would be working until 4:00 or so, and who wants to hang out in a hotel room for six hours by oneself?  Not I.

The taxi ride was my first solo taxi ride, ever.  It seems funny that it has taken me this long to feel confident in doing new things, in facing insecurities (I adore sameness!), in walking into the unknown.  I've learned that people can be very friendly, if you only ask.  The front desk manager called the taxi company and chatted with me while I waited; the taxi driver was chatty as well--I learned all about his beautiful, spunky daughter who is a nurse and married to a great guy.  He went so far as to drop me off in the back of The Ford Center, right next to the truck!  I tipped him well.

 A pause in the action for Fernando to snap my picture.

I am so tickled to be living such new experiences, meeting such interesting people, and seeing life in a completely new way.  God is good.

On the way home, we stopped in tiny Neoga, Illinois for fuel and food (Subway--haven't eaten there in ages and enjoyed every bite!).  When I hopped out of the driver's seat, I noticed a car parked along the side of the store/restaurant, and a kid (really, he was probably in his 20s) really staring at me--you know, leaning forward, squinting his eyes a little.  As Fernando finished pumping gas, I noticed the kid again, obviously staring at me.  I wiggled my fingers hello, figuring I'd try to at least be friendly.

He hollered over at me, "Do you work with TV?"

Simple answers are best.  "Yes!"

"Can you record me?"

"Sorry, I'd need a camera for that!" with a laugh.

"I have a camera!"  Then, "I'm a porn star!!"  Ooookay.

One of the two girls in the car leaned out and echoed, "Yeah, we're porn stars!!"

I just laughed and said goodbye, then headed around the back of the truck to hop in the passenger seat.  Fernando heard the rest of the kid's hollered reply as I walked:

"You look great!  I love you!!!"  He probably thought I was a TV personality...  (Are you kidding me??!!)

The stuff people say.

Back to life,

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