The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, September 23, 2010

TT--A Calmer Week

A hot, but lovely, day on which to share a cup of tea!  If you'd like to participate, and to find out more, click on Ruth's button above!!

I'm having...a rare cup of coffee today.  My ds Jacob sells Organo Gold coffee and I'm having a cup.  It's pretty much a lot of sugar and cream, with a little coffee.  (That's why I rarely drink it!)

My teacup is new!  Long story short, I bought some Gibson "everyday" china, and ended up getting a whole set free.  I love using the teacups when I have company for tea.  Being a practical homemaker, I love the fact that I can use the teacups--and the dishes--whenever I want to go fancy.  Plus, white goes with everything!

A quick "funny"--I've already sipped some coffee out of the above cup!  I have a habit of filling my cup literally to the brim.  I then bend down and delicately slurp out enough until I can safely carry my cup to my seat.  :)

I'm feeling...much calmer this week.  I think we're starting to settle into a comfortable routine with homeschooling and housework.  I'm still trying to fit exercise into a workable routine, hopefully over the next few weeks.

On my mind...I'm always making mental lists, some of which get transferred to paper.  My list of to-do things is growing, but I keep plugging away.  I know that the Lord will allow me to do those things that fit appropriately into my day.  And on the days when I feel like I haven't accomplished anything on my list, I know the Lord had His list for me!

Leaving you with...a quote I found by Martin Luther.

Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace,
so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it
a thousand times.

Be sure to visit Ruth's blog to stay for a cup of tea!!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. I love your quote from Luther and I love your fancy china! Enjoyed tea time with you.

  2. Hello Christine~ I had tea with you today. That little "sipping" story was so us a glimpse into your personality. I love your quote...YES, our confidence in God is sure.

  3. Thank you, ladies! I enjoyed having tea with you, too!



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