The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

UIC Christmas concert

December 6.

In his semester singing with the UIC University Choir, Danny sang in three concerts.  This was the last of those three--a Christmas concert (although they called it a "holiday" concert...)!  This was also held at a beautiful church, inside a regular-looking office-type building/skyscraper in downtown Chicago.

The UIC Jazz Ensemble played in the foyer before the concert began; they were really, really good!

Just as the University Choir was about to enter the sanctuary, I spotted Danny through the glass of the door.

After all the different choirs, ensembles, bands, and orchestras played, it was time for the sing-along!  Various instrumentalists were stationed throughout the sanctuary, since there was minimal room at the front to hold all the performers.

You better believe I was getting my picture taken with my amazing son!

When we left the building, I realized that we were directly across the street from Daley Plaza, and the huge Christmas tree lit up there!  What a perfect place to wait while Fernando and Danny walked to the parking garage and got the car for the rest of us.

I'm filled with thankfulness for having the opportunity to see and hear Danny singing in the choir.  The extra-special night was added to my treasure chest of cherished memories.

Back to life,

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