The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Promise and A Garden

September 25.

With Fernando hardly working, we were nearing the end of the hope of staying here in the suburbs.  Our gaze was beginning to look beyond, to the possibility that the Lord wanted us somewhere else.  (If you really want to know what happened, jump to this post.)

Meanwhile, we were clinging to the Lord's promise in Psalms.

The garden I thought wouldn't happen this year was a huge blessing.  I was able to can so many things!  And even in later September, I was able to gather lots of tomatoes from the slowing browning plants.

Autumn is a beautiful time of harvest, of color so bright and bold before its death, so to speak, as nature turns to slumber in a monochrome winter's sleep.  Even in my garden, the tomatoes were bright reds, oranges, and yellows--I focused on soaking in all that color, to treasure it within, for the dark and drear were coming.  We were still walking in the dark, taking baby steps, trusting the Lord with our future--employment, our home, our young men.

But the Lord gave us this color, this beauty, before we stepped into the winter.

Back to life,

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