The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, June 10, 2016

Where the Lord Leads

A week or so ago, I decided to take a walk at The Morton Arboretum.  It was a warm day, perfect for an hour-long stroll in the woods, and Danny decided to tag along.  We both took cameras, just in case, of course.

We lasted about 15 minutes, long enough to realize the swarms of mosquitoes at our backs were eating us alive.  Swatting, flicking, scratching, we trotted through the woods back out to the road, then down the road back to the parking lot and our car.  Our leisurely walk turned into a mad dash for the safety of our mosquito-free car.  We even rolled up the windows and turned on the a/c, it was that bad!!

Sometimes the Lord takes us on journeys like this, and we have to be prepared for some mosquitoes amid the beauty.  Yes, I'm trying to turn this into a spiritual lesson--I think it works, too!

Armed with His Word, His promises, His love, His grace, we walk on.  We were almost too busy swatting mosquitoes to take in the sheer greenness all around us along the path cooled by the trees and the breeze.  Next time, armed with mosquito spray, we'll be able to stop and appreciate all that's around us--majestic trees along the soft wooded path, skittering squirrels and chipmunks darting here and there in the brush, and sudden spots of color--flowers that have found their way to grow toward the dappled sunlight.

The Lord has made a thousand living things to survive--and thrive--in many different ecospheres; we can find our way as well, with His grace.  He uniquely made each created thing, including me, to exist in its environment.  Whether I'm a flowering beauty, bursting forth in bright color in bright sunlight, or whether I'm a hardy green Jack-in-the-pulpit, quietly living almost hidden on the forest floor, catching glimpses of sun through the branches and leaves--I can grow where He plants, live how He has made me, for His purpose, for His glory.

I took one last hurried picture of the woods, looking into the trees from the roadside, before we hurried along to our car.  The penetrating green of early summer met my eyes, and I pause now as I think back to that moment, thankful that even in His transplanting me to different environments and circumstances, my roots are in Him, deep in His Word and His promises, and He gives grace to grow and live for Him.

Back home, I spotted one more flower, which happened to sprout up in the sand we poured along the entrance to our garage door.  This hardy daisy grew in the most unlikely of places, without dirt or grass or a beautiful garden surrounding it.  It not only grew, but bloomed, right there in the sand along the asphalt.

I'll bloom where I'm planted, Lord.  Send my roots deep into You; gird me up and grow me strong.  Shine in my life as I surrender to You, and bring glory to Your name because of me.

Back to life,

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