The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Autumn at the Lake -- The Last Boat Ride

For Dad and Mom, the last boat ride usually happens in the Cadillac, the little old aluminum boat that used to belong to my grandfather (Dad's father).  The day was crystal clear, the water just a bit choppy, and everything looked good for a not-too-long ride.

We headed over and into Mud Lake, an arm off of the lake owned by the U.S. Army.  It's usually calmer back in here, and the colors were amazing.

This picture is my favorite.

Time to head back to the dock, and to take the boat out of the water for the winter.

Tom gives the boat and Dad a ride on the four-wheeler.

Time for sunset!

Sometimes, when the sunset isn't so spectacular, other scenes greet the eye--such as these clouds turning misty orange by the setting sun.  And every so often, a vertical sunset picture, such as this one, looks better!

Back to life,

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