The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Friday, November 25, 2011

Used Up


"There is rhythm to being a farm girl.
It is the rhythm of working hard when there is work to be done.
It is the rhythm of finding joy in the "doing" of the work.
It is also the rhythm of slowing down to enjoy each moment."
Rene Groom

Be sure to visit Lori's blog to see what Friday Farm Girls is all about!

This morning we're getting ready to go to Wisconsin with Lori and her family to get our Christmas tree!  Everyone's running around, cleaning up from breakfast, taking showers, making sandwiches, and preparing for our fun day with friends.  Meanwhile, my Friday Farm Girls @ Heart post...

There always seems to be stuff left over.  No, not leftovers, as in dinner, though we have lots to eat from yesterday's Thanksgiving meal.  Meal leftovers doesn't usually doesn't happen much in our family.  No, I'm talking about leftovers as in one last bowl of ripening tomatoes on the counter, or a small pile of apples in the basement "bomb shelter" from our apple-picking trip.

What to do with that stuff?  Make stuff!

The last of my garden tomatoes were getting a little wrinkly as they reddened, though there was nothing else wrong with them.  I made eight cups of pico de gallo, which we ate throughout the week.

And the Northern Spy apples were starting to brown in spots.  Two of them had rotted through and we threw them out.  So I made a quick batch of applesauce.

You'll have to trust me that the applesauce was delicious, because I didn't take a picture of it and we ate it all.  Northern Spy apples are great for applesauce.  (But, they're a pain to peel.)

I'll post about Thanksgiving soon--right now I have to finish my tea and get things ready for our drive to Wisconsin!!  Blessings to you all, dear friends and readers.

Back to life,

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  1. Oooh, I have those little red, wrinkly tomatoes in my bowl, too! Your pico looks delicious :-)


  2. I know I am behind in visits, but hope that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)