The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tea Talk--It Will be Healing

Welcome to my home!
Sit and have a cup of tea with me and share a little time of relaxation and encouragement.
To join, click on Ruth's button above.

I'm having...Earl Gray in my Pfaltzgraff teacup (Ocean Breeze pattern).  This is loose tea that I've had for a long time.  I don't know why I haven't enjoyed this tea more recently--it is delicious and hits the spot on this chilly end-of-December day!

I'm feeling...the same as the past several days.  I continue to slowly recover from my fall up the stairs two weeks ago.  Afternoons and evenings are more relaxed, since I have worked out the stiffness by lunch time.  But when I first wake up, I'm so stiff and sore!  I'm trusting the Lord to work His healing in me, unless He has a better plan.  When I see the splendor with which He displays His creation--such as in the frosted trees in the photos below on our drive to the chiropractor this morning--I know without a doubt that He is working in me!

I'm thinking about...the few priority items to do this week--pulling together the rest of the special needs portion of our state homeschool convention (ICHE--Illinois Christian Home Educators) for June 2011; and getting our own homeschool lesson plans in order for the rest of the school year (mostly for Danny who will be graduating next June).  I also have to update my business accounts, and get some house cleaning projects completed.  The first two major items will be done by tomorrow--and I always say "Lord willing!"  :)

I leave you with...verses in Proverbs.  As I ask the Lord to heal me, I realize that He brings healing in various ways.  These verses in Proverbs have to do with healing:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body
And refreshment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5-8 nasb [emphasis mine]

Healing and refreshment come from doing these things:

  • Wholly trust in Him with my situation
  • Don't trust my own understanding of the situation
  • Acknowledge Him in everything I do (or try to do, or even can't do!)
  • Don't think that my wisdom is best
  • Give the Lord my reverent respect
  • Turn away from sinful desires

I'm asking the Lord for strength to do these things.  May you be blessed as you follow Him!!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. Oh dear friend...My prayers are with you during this time. I know that it is hard to wait and be still. But healing does happen in time.



  2. Thank you Christine for your comments on those verses ~ VERY good. I also pray for healing for you. I appreciate how you said, "unless He has a better plan." How true. God is always out for our good if we will only trust him. I have enjoyed having tea with you and look forward to more tea times with you in the next year.

    God bless you as you walk by faith and not by sight. And, those are beautiful pictures. What a beautiful day...the sun and the frost.

  3. I hope you continue to heal. I will include you in my prayers. I have just discovered Early Gray. I'm not sure why I never tried it before.

  4. Good Morning Christine!
    So sorry to hear that you had taken a fall...I'm praying for quick healing...sounds as though you have a lot on your plate right now. Don't you just love how a cup of tea can be so relaxing?

    Hope you all have a very blessed day,

  5. Thank you, ladies, for your prayers! I'm doing my "five-minutes at the computer" this a.m. and hopefully will be on later to visit you all!!


  6. Those frosty trees are lovely! Hope you are strengthened and relieved of pain each day :-)

    See you Saturday, Lord willing! (I thought my freezer was full after Andy came by with the beef...oh, you should see it NOW! We're expecting 126 for the dinner!)

  7. Beautiful photos and your words are soothing to my soul. Thanks Christine for the encouragement. You are physically hurting but your spirit is whole. I pray that healing completes soon. I'll recite these verses again and again today. Thanks for sharing your beautiful insights on these verses.

    Blessings on the New Year!


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)