The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tea Talk -- His People to Deliver

Welcome to my home!
Sit and have a cup of tea with me and share a little time of relaxation and encouragement.
To join, click on Ruth's button above!

I'm having...a cup of Earl Grey decaf at my dad's and mom's house (this past Sunday), in one of my mom's mugs.  She has a nice variety of tea/coffee mugs that she has pulled together over the years.

I'm feeling...pretty good.  I actually went out for a walk yesterday in the 15-degree (F) weather to the bank to open a business account for  Christine Anne Photography.  I was glad to hang out at the bank while working with an account representative just for the chance to get warm again!!  :)  I love my bank--they offered me the use of a "business table" in their lobby that I can reserve for free for two weeks to display my business!  So last night I ran out to Kohl's with a $10 off coupon and bought a couple of photo frames for display purposes.  And frames were 50-60% off!  Yah-hoo!  I love sales with coupons.

On my mind...oh, you know me; I'm always making mental lists, and I don't think that will ever end!  My mind is always thinking and organizing; sometimes I do wish I could turn it off!  I do have a couple of books to read to consider whether our state homeschool organization (ICHE) should carry them in our bookstore.  And winter is a great time to read!  I'm also looking forward to Jacob's and Danny's college semester ending next week.  Poor Jacob got a nasty cold/flu bug this week, so we "drugged him up" and sent him to those classes he couldn't miss.  He is feeling much better now, thank the Lord!

I leave you with...two verses of our church's "hymn of the month."  We are singing this hymn each week as we await the celebration of the birth of our Savior.  I love these words!

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light

Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light,
And usher in the morning;
Ye shepherds, shrink not with affright,
But hear the angel's warning.
This Child, now weak in infancy,
Our confidence and joy shall be.
The pow'r of Satan breaking,
Our peace eternal making.

He comes, a Child, from realms on high,
He comes the heav'ns adoring;
He comes to earth to live and die,
A broken race restoring.
Although the King of kings is He,
He comes in deep humility;
His people to deliver,
And reign in us forever.

God's goodness and blessings to you during this special time of waiting!

Back to life,

visit my photography blog!
captured by Christine Anne


  1. Cute mug!!! Lovely verses too! Wishing you well! Cathy

  2. Hi Christine,
    I'm glad to hear how you are taking your photography to the next level. I'll be hopping on to your photo blog from here.

    Keep warm and have a wonderful weekend.


  3. What a beautiful hymn. I think I will look it up to find out the tune. I'm with you on constantly making lists...that's why it is sometimes hard to be at the farm. I think of a million other things I could be doing. But nope, God wants me to be still.

    God bless you today, thanks for having tea with me.

  4. Thanks for sharing your tea time :) Your cup is really cute. How exciting about your photography business. Blessings as you work hard to make the business decisions.

  5. Second hand stores such as Goodwill are also great places to pick up frames on the cheap! Beautiful hymn.

  6. What a beautiful hymn. I like your mug :)


  7. That's a lovely hymn. I enjoyed going over the words. Funny how over here one good thing about being inside a bank is to keep cool. It's just too hot outside (lol) Good luck on the photography business. I enjoyed having tea with you.

  8. Hi Sweetie! Lovely photo, lovely mug! How cool about the business table :-) My dad is doing alright, just slow going on the recovery. Hopefully to Marian Joy tomorrow, but that's gonna be a LOOOONG drive to visit him each day for my mom, and for me. Right now we're still planning on game night, I'll let you know if something changes, but I don't think it will. That said, if Jake's sick, well...we need to keep everyone healthy for finals week; I can't WAIT for this semester to be over!!! I'll try to call tomorrow afternoon and we can chat.

    Love you!

  9. Hip-Chick, thanks for the reminder--and a new Goodwill store just opened this week almost across the street from me!!!

    Hazel--In the winter, it's good to be inside. :)

    Lori--He's doing better but coughing. I'll give you a call. I'm soooo ready for this semester to be over.

    Love to all,


Thank you for your encouraging comments! I appreciate them very much, and will visit you in return. :)