The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Independence -- Part One

July 4.

We spent this beautiful, perfect summer day--not too hot, not too humid--with church friends and family, celebrating our nation's independence.

Fernando and I, in patriotic wear.

Dad and Mom came with us to the S. home to celebrate.

Joseph didn't want his picture taken, but this is a decent smile for him!

Danny played Frisbee for a little bit.

Thomas taking a water break.

Corn toss!

The yard, the crowd, the fun!

John was our official griller.

Thomas played Zombie--a game the kids made up since the volleyball net was missing.

After the meal, everyone gathered for a reading of the Declaration of Independence.  We prayed together, sang the national anthem, and celebrated our freedom.  As the sun set, we prepared to gather to view the fireworks in Naperville...  (That's Part Two!)

Back to life,

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