The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Exploring My Shape -- Short Apple

A short apple.  That's what I figured out, anyway, through hours of intensive research late one night.  Well, two hours, anyway.  And as intense as one can get when one is tired but can't fall asleep.

Anyway, it comes down to this:  a short apple.  That's what my body type is, apparently.  An "apple" shape is not necessarily an overweight body, though I can stand to lose a few pounds.  Generally, it's one whose shoulder width is about the same as one's hips, who is fairly straight all the way down but with a larger bust.  Plus, the key--one who tends to gain weight primarily in the tummy.  Well, that's pretty much me.  Add the "short" in (I'm 5' 2") and I was all set with my "official shape."  Now to figure out what clothing styles look good on me...

The color part was easier--Fernando loves color, and I'm happy to oblige.  I've figured out that primary colors are best with my skin coloring, and bright colors work better than pale ones--though pastels are good if they're a "faded primary."  Here's a very recent pic of me (thanks, Danny!) to show you that "faded primary" pastels can look good.

As for style--well, that's a little more difficult.  I have five men in my life, and although they can tell me if they like something I'm wearing, they're useless when it comes to what actually looks good.  Fernando likes almost everything I wear (which is good, I suppose!)  What a pickle I'm in!

From my research, I've found that V-necks are better than rounded ones, and empire waistlines cover/hide the tummy.  Shirts whose hems fall at the hip line are good, as well as ones that flare out slightly at that point.  Also, A-line skirts are better than straight ones.  All of these style characteristics help give definition and curves to my body shape.  Several websites added shorter (as in above-knee-length) skirts to de-emphasize height, but that's just a little too short for me, generally speaking.  I'll stick with A-line skirts.  :)

Here are a few self-portraits, which frankly speaking, are rather scary to post.  I'm not the best-shaped person out there, duh.  However, these pictures have really helped me figure out what looks good, since I can see myself "outside of myself" and figure out if something looks good, and/or hides what needs to be hidden.  This has helped me on my quest to find the right clothing when I'm out shopping.

My analysis of the above Christopher & Banks top and skirt:   The skirt is not the best, since it has pockets, seams, and other bulk, but one must have a denim skirt, and it is an A-line and very comfortable.  The blouse is V-neck, and the seams and stitching along the front add shape to my waist.

My analysis:  The skirt is from Kohl's ($13 on sale with a coupon and my mom's senior discount!), and I found the top at Goodwill.  I love the flowing sleeves, which are 3/4 length, another favorite.  To compensate for the extremely low V-neck, I spent quite a few bucks on a bra that has a modesty panel in it.  I've tried layers, but don't look good in them; they just add bulk to my upper frame.  So the bra-with-panel works for those really low V-necks where I need a little more modesty, while still showing the V shape that adds shape to my figure.

Well, that's it for this little post.  I'll post more as I continue to get the confidence to take pictures of myself, and as I find clothing that works for my short apple figure.  See you at the store!

Back to life,

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you really did do a lot of research. Glad you are finding out what looks good on you. And I like the second outfit the best. :)


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