The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


There were a few more items left over from helping my parents move in to their new home.  The guys dedicated an afternoon to getting those items from our house to theirs.

Ping-Pong table top, sawhorses, wheelbarrow, grill--outdoor items that don't pack nicely and neatly into a rectangular space.  Danny, The Organizer, helped get as much as they could in one load.

Danny also helped his dad secure the items for transport.  He's really good with logistics.  :)

He's also good at fitting into awkward spaces to secure the tie-downs.  :)

Back to life,

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  1. That last picture is so funny. :) Are your parents enjoying their new home?

    1. Yes, JoAnn, they are! It'll take them awhile to really settle in, but they've come a looong way since move-in day. :)


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