The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Indeed, my heritage is beautiful to me. ~ Psalm 16:6 nasb

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What a Difference a Day Makes

I've heard/read it over and over again this winter--what weird weather!  And it's not just here in Chicagoland, either.  Strange winter weather seems to have swept over everyone's neck of the woods.  The below shots are not late autumn "Frisbee in the park" images.  We were playing on January 11!

We played for a short time, though, because the Frisbee broke.  It pretty much split in two.  So I sent the boys on a two-mile walk west to their grandparents' home, and I stayed behind to catch the sunset--which, again, was boring from a photographer's eye.  But as I've said, no sunset is boring.

Here's a couple of images from the very next day.  :)


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  1. oh, wow! we are very up and down right now down here in Texas. Yesterday was mild and today the temps steadily dropped throughout the day, finally feeling cold. Enjoy your snow; I'm jealous!

  2. Oh yes the snow has come back. But they are saying it will warm up a bit again on the week end. When I say warm up I am saying just above freezing. I don't like it hovering around freezing b/c the equals ice. ((sigh))

    Praying you are doing well. I am sorry if I have been sparse. I am working on that.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  3. The greatest game ever played.


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